The Mind Of An Elder. | Collin Elder.

In The Menu, Visual Arts by Bim StarLeave a Comment

Even though he has a degree in wildlife biology, Collin Elder is an artist you may want to keep on your radar. I was immediately captivated by his work when when it came across my feed on Ello. His latest series Mindscapes is a stunning visual that brought me to the connection between humanity and the environment.

ANIMA. | Oil on canvas, 22" x 32", 2016.

A N I M A. | Oil on canvas, 22″ x 32″, 2016.

The ethereal beauty of Collin’s illustrations are surreal representations of the importance of our balance with nature. He blends various elements of wildlife seamlessly on the human form creating mystical beings that feel like elemental protectors of nature.

[su_quote cite=”Collin Elder.”]My paintings reflect a desire to see the world outside of the human language, reimagining the relationship between nature and our contemporary experience.[/su_quote]

M Y T H. | Oil on birch, 24" x 36", 2013.

M Y T H. | Oil on birch, 24″ x 36″, 2013.

As we are witnessing the fight for Standing Rock, I hope this series will inspire others to engage, speak out and push for a more sustainable future. Check out the rest of Collin Elder’s Mindscape below.

I M M E R S I O N. | Oil on birch, 36″ x 24″, 2013.

R E A N N E X. | Oil on canvas, 40" x 30", 2015.

R E A N N E X. | Oil on canvas, 40″ x 30″, 2015.






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